Saturday, July 19, 2003

You know a few posts back when I said I was back on the weight loss bandwagon and was going to lose another 20 lbs? Well, I totally lied. I fell off the wagon shortly after that post. I think I might have got up out of this chair and walked directly into a wall of chocolate. Oh well.

So I'm really trying to get motivated again. How did I do that first 40 lbs? How? Because I don't remember and I can't get back there. I really do need to lose another 20, just to feel better and be more comfortable in my skin. But I seem at a total loss as far as how to get there. I was doing Weight Watchers when I lost the weight, and it seemed easy at the time, but I just can't get back into it for whatever reason. I suck!

I have been walking about a mile a day, which is making me feel better. But the Dove promises I eat after the walk certainly don't help matters.

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