Wednesday, July 28, 2004 was drivel anyway...


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Ooookay. My house is freaking haunted.
The other night, I was getting the cats in the basement for the night and turning off lights downstairs. I was done and was headed for the stairs in the dark. From the living room to my right I hear and audible sigh. It sounded like a little girl sighing. I mean, REALLY sounded like it. I picked up the pace and rounded the corner and went up the stairs. By the time I got into bed, I was freaking a bit. I didn't freak when I heard it though for some weird reason, it was like I was just intent on getting up those stairs. Scott tried to tell me what it could have been, but none of those things explained the sound that I heard. Then he says, well, it could have been worse (than a little girl sighing). I laugh and go to sleep.
Today, while in the kitchen I hear "moooom" and it sounds JUST like Maddie saying mom. I think she's come downstairs and is behind me. I look around and I even call to Maddie to see if maybe she had said it upstairs and I just heard it, but no, she was playing with her friend and hadn't said anything.
I'm starting to get freaked out here! I like the idea of ghosts and spirits, but not in my HOUSE! egads...

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Lately I've been noticing something. Guys check me out when I'm driving. They don't do it when I'm out walking or when I'm at the store, it's only in the car.

And we all know where this is going, don't we? We know why it would only happen in the car, right?

So it hits me. I've only got so many more good years in me. It's nearly impossible to be a hot 60 year old. I'm 32 and from the neck up I'm still fairly presentable. I don't want to wait until I'm fifty to decide to take care of myself and look good, dammit! So here we go again...but it feels different somehow this time. I'm not depriving myself of anything, just being more aware of the things I eat and how much. Taking walks even when I don't really feel like it. And no, I'm not striving for "hot" per se, I just want to look good again.

I know this has been causing a lot of my problems lately. Eating the starchy, sugary foods..not getting enough exercise..feeling badly about myself. It's a cycle that makes me more irritable to my family, more pessimistic about myself and my life. And that's crazy because there are no do overs! I don't get another chance to be happy.

And I already feel sooo much better, just a week into making these changes. Yay!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

So I'm anxiously awaiting my brand spankin' new Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker! Still need to order my yard signs.

I didn't know too much about Edwards before, but he seems like a great pick. Secretly I was hoping for Dean, but I knew that was unlikely to happen and unlikely to result in a win in November.

When I need a pick-me-up I just flash on that segment from the Daily Show where Bush mispronounces the name of the Abu Ghraib prison...gawd was it funny. And then the big pause after he said "Abu Ga-reff" where you just knew the fact that he effed up hit him. LOL I love his gaffes. They make me think that no one in their right minds could vote for him.

In other news...

I'm planning a secret night out with my husband. Going to get a great new haircut (and catch up on the gossip with my stylist bud!), get a sexy new outfit (well, as sexy as you can get in my size lol) and go out. Not sure of the details at this juncture, as I will have to convince Maddie to actually stay with grandma AND figure out how to do all this secretly yet still let Scott know where to meet me. Ah hell, I might just stay in and eat Oreos ;-)