Saturday, April 12, 2008

We've been busy, busy, busy this week!

The weather finally got nice enough to get outside and get started on our yard work. I planted, covered and mulched about 500 sq ft of flower beds out front. Scott and Gage used the brush hog to clean off a huge area of brush and such out back of our house, adding almost another full size yard to our existing yard. We laid out the square foot raised bed, I'm only doing one which is 4' by 25' instead of a bunch of individual boxes. As well as two regular garden plots behind that for the potatoes, corn and tomatoes. I've started a lot of my seeds, onions, broccoli and tomatoes are all sprouted. I need to go out today and get more planters to start everything else.

So we're really making progress!! It's rained the last two days though, so I'm trying to catch up with indoor chores. I've been working so hard this week, and been so terribly sore, I've lost 5 lbs lol.

The kids are helping a lot and it's just been a really, really good week. I feel productive!

I've also been working on our eating habits. I hate saying "diet" because of the connotations. But I'm trying to cut out artificial flavorings and colorings, mainly "excitotoxins". Thus far, I've been baking all our bread; haven't bought commercial bread in about a month! It's been a lot of fun, making a daily loaf. Even made bagels which turned out really good - the only drawback is that they're not as easy to store as commercially made bagels. Homemade ones have about a one day shelf life. We're trying to cut out the "fake meats" we've been using too. I'm making more veggie burgers from scratch now.

Anyway...feeling good. Still can't fully shake the baby fever though. Staying busy is helping, and it has dwindled a bit. But it's still there, underneath.