Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Baby as Buddha

I've been reading my Buddhism books again, wanting to get back into practice, or into practice for the first time really. All the talk about harnessing the wild horse that is your mind got me thinking. I'm one who think constantly and my mind jumps around relentlessly. Sometimes I have to explain how I got from point A to point B in my thought processes.

So I realize that with a baby, you have to live in the moment, you have to think about right this minute. It's poopy diapers or teething or no sleep, but you're always thinking about THIS moment. So maybe my bambino is teaching me to live in the moment in his own way. He's forcing me to.

Breathe in, breathe out....
Anytime you can catch it, watch a large woman unaccustomed to doing yoga try the plow pose. I'm sure it was a sight to behold. Well, considering I didn't make it into the actual plow pose but toppled sideways as I tried to get my legs up over my head I'm not sure what pose I ended up in.

At any rate, I don't think you're supposed to do yoga while Joe from Blue's Clues is yammering on in the background, one child is trying to come up and nurse on you while your eyes are closed and the other is telling you you're "too chubby to do that". Alrighty then....

Saturday, May 17, 2003

You know, I was thinking...

Maybe it would be good for a marriage to have temporary separations every now and then. Just to let the partners miss each other little bit, and be excited at the prospect of coming back together. A chance not to view each other as just pains in the proverbial ass.

Of course, then there's always the possibility they won't miss each other at all. That could be a problem....

Monday, May 12, 2003

Had to post something so that the big purple guy isn't the first thing that pops up...

Life is a roller coaster lately; up and down and all around. I feel kinship to all the manic depressives out there.

My bambino has two seemingly giant teeth coming in, I'm dragging my feet about getting my homeschooling group started, no one wants to buy our house...BUT, I got to sleep in for Mother's Day and had breakfast made for me, my kiddos are pretty happy and I get to be a stay at home mom for at least a while longer. Up and down and all around, it's still pretty good.