Thursday, July 03, 2003

This is getting stressful. We’re getting no activity on our house. It’s been up for sale for about 4 months now, and we’ve had some walk throughs but not one offer. And no calls for about two weeks. It’s quickly getting to the point where we have to do something.

I’ve done everything the sites and books recommend for selling your home yourself. I’ve put away pictures, decluttered big time and put all my small appliances away (leaving the kitchen counter bare). I’ve cleaned like a madwoman, or at least like I’m not accustomed to being the slob that I naturally am. I’ve cleaned and organized closets. Me, the person with the blackest thumb around, I’ve put hanging baskets, pots of flowers, annuals all around and on the porch. Plus we’ve priced it below market value just to get a quick sale. Obviously that didn’t work out as planned

Sure we got ourselves into this mess. Six years ago, why did I think we needed a bigger house with a bigger mortgage? I was still of the mindset that I needed to get ahead, keep moving up that proverbial ladder. So we got the bigger house, the minivan, all the accoutrements of an up and coming working outside the home soccer mom. But then I decided that wasn’t what I wanted, what we wanted. So we changed our working patterns, but not our lifestyle enough. We should have sold the house a few years ago. But we’ve just kept plugging along, thinking we could maintain everything with less income. Always a mistake. I’ve mentioned going back to work, but right now Scott is making more than I ever did or could at this point. So we pretty much have to stay as is. Plus Mason (who is 8 months today!) only wants mommy milk.

Now we’re wanting to sell and buy a modular home, put it on some land by my mother and brother and get on with our downsized lives. It will be a smaller home, but so much less stress. I can easily stay home while Scott works his reduced schedule. It will be bliss! But first, but first...we have to unload this house. Which will help us pay off all our debts. It’s not that we go out to eat, or go on vacations or that we spend a lot of money. The problem right now is that we’re already in over our heads so we’re getting further and further in debt each month, just paying basic bills. We already cook a lot from scratch, we don’t buy things we don’t need, we look for free or very low cost recreational activities...but at this point it’s not enough. If we don’t sell the house in the next few months, something drastic will happen. Not sure exactly what right now, I’m trying not to think about it. We’ll likely call a realtor soon, paying the commission is okay if the end result is a sold house. I’m having one final hurrah, a big open house next weekend, going all out with sending out flyers, advertising on our local cable channel, hanging signs everywhere. I just want to know I did everything I could have.

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