Thursday, April 22, 2004

Feeling overwhelmed again lately. Feeling like everyone wants me to do things for them and they just figure I can do it because I'm home. Feeling like no one is seeing that I have needs, I have things I need to get accomplished as well.
I work part time so I can actually homeschool my kids, not so I can be available for every appointment or every babysitting emergency. Well, emergency is a strong word. Of course I'm available for emergencies, but these happenings aren't emergencies!

And I DO want to take my mom to her appointments, I just don't want everyone to take it for granted you know? Just because I work part time does NOT mean I am always doing nothing. Everyone else's wants come before mine; it's just assumed by my family that my husband and I are readily available and that we can drop everything to run errands for everyone else.
It's a situation where I can't really complain at this particular point; I don't want my mom to think she's the one inconveniencing us. It's really everyone else's inability or whatever to pitch in and at least offer to help. Case in point, my mom has to get her port put in tomorrow so they can give her the chemo starting next week. Tomorrow, I'm going to take her along with my three kids because I have no one else to watch them. We're going to hang out at the hospital and it's likely not going to be particularly pretty. An 8 yr old, a 5 yr old and an 18 month old with nothing to do. Yay! Now normally this would be okay, but my brother is actually taking the day off and is going to work on his deck! He's not offering to even BE there to help ME out! I am incredulous over this! It could be most other appointments we've gone to, I could also have his 2 year old tyrant of a daughter along with mine. Out of the kindness of their hearts, they've gotten her other grandma to take care of her for one day.

Normally my mom takes care of her 40+ hours a week. And has anyone arranged other care for her during my mom's chemo? Because she will be tired you know. No, they haven't. It's been suggested that I come out there as often as I can to help out with her. Granted the suggestion was made my by mom and not my brother, but damn! I'm trying to HOMESCHOOL here people!

My neice has just recently started throwing these knock down, drag out tantrums. How easy is THAT going to be to deal with, for me or my mom? I dunno...seems the spanking and the wooden spoon "discipline" have surely backfired, eh? I've never seen a child as angry or demanding as this one. Never spanked my kids and they don't behave like that, but of course what do I know?

Argh! I'm just angry today. And then I feel guilty for complaining at all, my mom's going through all this and here I’m complaining. But it's mostly about the other family members and not her :-)

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