Tuesday, October 14, 2003

So I caught a few minutes of Dr Phil yesterday and it was interesting.

He was telling this overweight guy that he pretty much had to have an emotional trigger to his overeating. Hmmm. I've always wondered about that. I really don't feel I have said emotional trigger. I just like stuff that tastes good. I like food. I love to bake and to cook. And I eat when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm stressed, when I'm calm. I don't really see any underlying reason for my eating.

I'm wondering if everyone with a weight issue has an emotional reason behind their eating. I've been racking my brain for the last 24 hours trying to find mine. I mean, there has to be a reason that I eat more than most people, right? Because I do believe my weight is directly related to my over-intake of food. I'm not going to blame genetics or some such thing, I know how I got here. But the why's of how I got here are intriguing. I'll keep mulling it over.

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