Tuesday, October 14, 2003

In other news regarding my body as disaster central, I am now fairly confident that I have a thyroid problem.
Most people with low thyroid function will exhibit low basal body temperature. I’ve just recently started charting my temps again since my fertility returned; or so I thought. I’m not ovulating, which is so very unlike me. Normally my fertility is awe inspiring lol. (Side note: I’ve tried not to use ‘net acronyms on here as much as possible. But I find I need to add a good LOL every now and then. Sorry) And of course my temps are very low, which they’ve never been in the past. Low thyroid function is pretty much the sole contributor to low temps. Plus I have all the other symptoms.
I’m very upset by this. I mean, it’s one thing to think your body is malfunctioning. It’s quite another to know it with near certainty.
My main problem is that it seems, after much searching and reading, that the only real treatment is hormone replacement via synthetic hormones or the more “natural” cow/pig derived thyroid hormones. Now, if you know me at all, you know neither of those options are acceptable to me for a host of reasons.
So I need to start adding a veritable buttload of minerals and supplements to my daily routine, a couple yoga poses and some visualization. But even these are questionable as far as treating a thyroid imbalance.
Oddly, I don’t feel my weight is thyroid related though. I am able to lose weight when I focus on it (i.e. not eating handfuls of chocolate chips). Also I haven’t really gained weight. That’s a plus, isn’t it?

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