Saturday, October 11, 2003

Interview game! I got my Q's from Kym If you want to play, comment and I'll give you 5 Q's of your own to answer on your blog...

1. Do you think your first name befits you? If not, what would you like to be named?
Hmm. Never really thought about my name. In high school it wasn't common which I liked (non conformist that I am lol). There was only one other Cheryl and we actually were best friends! That was fun at times! I think I'm okay with it...maybe I'd like a hippie Zappa-esque name, just for fun.

2. Do you ever crave meat at all? If so, what's your desire? If not, tell me a yummy yummy meatless entree I should try.
Truthfully, I don't. I used to like my moms meatloaf, and cheeseburgers, but I don't miss them, or want them really. I have to cop out on the recipe - Scott's the cook around here. But I love this vegetarian Shepards Pie that's at It's verrrry good. And yes, I did actually make that one!

3. Where do you see yourself in ten years? What do you WISH your life will be like in ten years?
Hopefully, successfully downsized with an RV to do extended roadtripping with the fam. And really, that's what I hope for too. There are days where I wish Scott was a workoholic making lots of money so I could be a stay at home mom with lots of disposable income but that's usually after a fight lol!

4. Imagine someone gave you $500. What would you spend it on?
Well, I don't have to imagine. Scott's mom just gave us $500 out of the blue. We put it toward the new furnace we had installed yesterday. Booooring!! But if it were just mine to blow, I'd get some great clothes, hair done by Justin (Kym!) and I'd go out drinking/dancing with my buds.

5. Do you dress for yourself, for other women, or for men?
I dress for...myself I guss. Although I really think I'm just dressing because I have to. Most days I don't even give it a thought. Sad really.

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