Allow me to bitch and whine.
I hate being a complainer, it's a trait I'm trying hard to change. But lately things just have been crazy. We had to repair our main water line into the house; an expediture we were totally unprepared for. Sure, my mom helped us out on that front, but it was still a big shocker. Then on top of that, somehow we are totally broke this week. Um, my house payment is due. Ugh! So it'll have to be paid with next weeks paycheck, which will put off paying the utilities we normally pay with that first check of the month. Which will put everything back a week naturally.
I hate money problems, but I think they clarify things for me in many ways. I appreciate that we have things that many people, even many people in this country, don't have. We own our house, we have a nice dependable car, we have plenty of food...we are truly living a blessed life. Sure we live paycheck to paycheck with all too occaisonal assistance from the plastic god, but we LIVE, you know? We're living every day, whether we want to be consumed by money stress or not, we live.
So right now, our house is on the market. Sign is out in the front yard and all that jazz. (note to self, must stop saying "all that jazz" now that Chicago was such a hit. Song will not leave mind) So we'll muddle along until someone decides to buy this thing then we'll move to the country pretty much debt free. That's the plan anyway. We'll see how reality decides to play us...