Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Apparently I only post here every three months or so lol

And it's also apparent I lost most of my blog links?? Weird...will have to figure that out.

We're still plugging along here! I got totally immersed in the election and was just freaking GIDDY with excitement when America proved to the world we do NOT in fact have our collective heads up our collective arses. I can't wait to see what the next EIGHT years bring!

I did my gardning thang, and once again I seemed to lose interest in the fall lol I got some good tomatoes and learned some lessons (no more broccoli). I'm going to go all square foot gardening next year, that sfg was so easy compared to the tomato garden. The raccoons got all my corn. ALL of it. Not kidding. But I'm still thinking next year will be better...each year is a learning experience.

I can't believe it's November already...another month and here's another year gone.

The kids are doing great, Lily is fast approaching three and as long as I can get through to her birthday I think we're done having babies. I'd LOVE one more, just one more...when I see families with five kids I just feel so wistful. But I think we have to be done. As I've said, my head has to win this one. It doesn't win often lol

I'm STILL fat! I try to think positive that it will change, but I don't know that it will. I can't seem to get serious about it, whether it's depression or stress I don't know, but I can't "go there" (to serious weight loss) for the time being.

Anyway...things are good! We're all happy and healthy and holding on!

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