Saturday, February 26, 2005

Seriously, still very excited!!

I'm now looking into rain catchment systems and tanks and reading lots of books and looking forward to this change.

I can't believe we're finally going to start walking the walk as far as off-gridding and living more sustainably. Sure, we'll likely go ahead and hook up to the electric grid for now, and use the existing septic system until we can afford to go solar and until we learn more about greywater systems. I just checked out Art Ludwigs "Create An Oasis" which is supposedly the manifesto on greywater solutions. Looking forward to sitting down with that later on! Wading through the article archives at Mother to figure out just how this rain water catchment system is going to work - we definitely don't want a well (I mean, have you READ "Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble"?).

Our *only* hesitation at this point is the kids. While they're excited about having more mom and dad time and being able to start doing more they're justifiably not that happy about leaving a neighborhood of friends. We *will* make playdates and make sure they get time with their friends, but obviously that's a concern when moving out to the country where the only playmated they'll have nearby are their cousins (a good thing to be sure, but still limited).

So much to do, so much to learn!!

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