Friday, December 19, 2003

Christmas season is upon up, and with it comes your old friend and mine, Santa Claus.

I've been reading some recent message board threads about Santa and whether or not people encourage the belief in their children. Interesting stuff.

My mother in law thinks we're just plain wrong because the kids know they've got gifts upstairs and they see them under the tree; therefore they know the gifts are from us and not Santa. But we don't NOT believe in Santa. We believe in the spirit of Christmas that is embodied by the jolly old elf. No, we don't tell the kids they'll get coal if they're, we don't tell them he comes down the chimney in the middle of the night and leaves them gifts...but they do believe "he" fills their stockings and nibbles on the cookies left out. So while we don't tell them there really is a guy living at the North Pole who lives to give them gifts, they still believe in the spirit of Christmas, the spirit of giving and gratitude. I see no problem in this. Where the gifts come from is irrelevant.

When I was a kid, my parents never really told us about Santa one way or the other. I suppose they kept up the facade for us though, I know I remember the "naughty or nice" talks. The things parents will do to get good behavior! But there were no gifts out with tags from Santa or anything like that. The gifts were all under the tree before Christmas. I don't remember when I didn't believe he *really* existed; I'm sure I still played along even after I knew. I don't feel harmed by knowing, I don't feel harmed by not knowing...I don't feel there was this big lie perpetrated upon us kids. It was fun...still is.

So, if you're reading this, what are your thoughts on Santa?

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