Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Our new place has a new front door! Yippee!

I'm getting excited as even little improvements seem to make this feel more real. We're actually going to do it! Granted, we've still got some big stuff to do before we could theoretically move in (oh, new flooring, new walls, new ceilings, new siding, new windows...) but I still feel like we're moving in the right direction. We've pretty much found the woodword we're going to use on the walls and we just need to go ahead and buy it and start staining it. We're going to a couple of the Habitat for Humanity Restores to get cheap windows and such. It's a lot of work...but it's going to be so worth it!

I've also just found out some fabulous things...first of all, there are no building codes out there. So we can build out of strawbale, cordwood...or milk bottles for all they care! This is great news. We want to add on and were thinking cordwood because we were afraid of strawbale and the code. But now that's not an issue. So likely we'll be doing a strawbale addition (once we're moved out there, of course).

The other good news is that rainwater cisterns are allowed as well! I thought that would entail another battle with the Health Dept but it will not.

Otherwise, doing pretty well. I can't believe I'm almost in my third trimester with this little girl! I'm really excited about another homebirth...REALLY excited!

Everything feels like it's coming together. Sure, we still have a long road ahead (including trying to sell the house we're in now...it won't be easy. Not a good housing market in our area) but at least we're traveling down it!

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